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🥺🥺 We're currently experiencing some issues 🥺🥺
Seems that since the Blog has been getting a lot of visitors, Google Drive has decided to block the streaming and download from most of my files. I'm working on uploading alternative links for you guys, but this might take some time.
Sorry for the inconvenience!

Kylie Minogue - Live at Glastonbury 2019

Watch or Download right now Kylie's complete presentation at the Legend Slot on the Glastonbury Festival broadcasted by BBC Music with special appearings of Chris Martin from Coldplay and Nick Cave. I wasn't planning on making a post, but since YouTube keeps blocking the video, so you can stream the video here.

You can also stream it online from here (just click twice to go to the site, you can also watch instantly on the Google Drive link):

Here is the re-released version that was broadcast on Dec 25, it's in 720p but contains different takes and corrected audio.


  1. When I discovered this page this summer if felt like christmas :). I'm going through a rough time in my life and to be able to watch Kylie's shows in HD has giving me so much JOY. I have the DVD's, but the quality is bad compared to this. So I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing and for all your hard work. Excellent job!!

    1. Thank you so much :)
      I really hope you can get better soon,
      I'm sending you a big hug from the other side of the world <3

    2. Thanks for your love Lucas. I'm sending you a big hug right back and take care you too <3.

  2. Olá, conheci o seu blog hoje e adorei o conteúdo dele sobre a Kylie, muito obg msm por disponibilizar as coisas dela.
    Se quiser, entre em contato cmg no insta pr conversarmos sobre ela! @mathlovely

  3. What is the problem with Kylie: Live in New York? that you can't find it online :(

    1. Unfortunately Live in New York was never officially released, all we have is amateur footage from 2009 phones. I thought several times about trying to improve the video quality, but I can't make magic, it would still be awful and shaky :\

  4. eu amei seu blog, recuperei tudo da kylie. Alguma chance de postar o Golden Tour?

    1. Ainda não consegui achar nenhum link pra baixar o show :(
      Eu sei que ele foi lançado no streaming do Channel 4, mas só funciona pra quem é do Reino Unido.

  5. Hi there. Is there any chance of getting the re-broadcast version of this (from 25 Dec 2019)? Has improved sound mix and editing! :)

    1. I do have this re-released cut of 1h16m instead of the old 1h21m version. But it was recorded from BBC's iPlayer in 720p, and since it is a different cut, I can't just stitch together the 1080p video with the corrected sound.
      So I'm not really sure what to do with it right now, but if you want it, I can upload it for you tomorrow.


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