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🥺🥺 We're currently experiencing some issues 🥺🥺
Seems that since the Blog has been getting a lot of visitors, Google Drive has decided to block the streaming and download from most of my files. I'm working on uploading alternative links for you guys, but this might take some time.
Sorry for the inconvenience!

Aphrodite: Les Folies Tour 3D [1080P HD]

Watch and Download it for posterity you guys, here lays before you the one of the most stravagant tour the world has ever witnessed, I mean it's like Cirque Du Soleil out there. It's completely different from X and yet even more amazing.
It's Kylie's most ambitious tour yet, and it definetely shows, the whole show is like watching a movie, not like any other I've ever seen.

If you already tryied to watch this show, you most probably bumped in to one YouTube video out there (aham, this one). The thing is, YouTube compression is weird and having watched it so many times I found that there is absolutely not one other copy of the BluRay on the internet, believe me I've tried.

The thing is just recently I found that an extremly old dead torrent came back to life and all 40GB of Kylie glory with it. So obviously I'm looking into securing it somewhere it won't ever go away again.

In the mean time here is the torrent file (you'll need to install uTorrent to download)

UPDATE: I just uploaded the untouched video file to Google, this will provide easy download and playback, you'll just be missing the DVD Intro and Extras. If you want me to post that, let me know :)

OK.RU [4.5GB]: OK.RU
You need an account to download from OK.RU or to use a Video Downloader

There is also a streaming version here, I'm aware there is already one in YouTube, but just in case they decide to delete it. I already can't upload my own version there so here it is on another streaming service :)

3D VERSION [Split Half Over-Under]
Be aware that this version has a "lower" quality than the Download version, but it's easier for streaming


ALTERNATIVE 1080P PLAYER (click on "Watch on Odnoklassniki" to watch)



ALTERNATIVE LINK (click on "Watch on Odnoklassniki" to watch)


Format                      : Blu-ray, NTSC
Region                      : Region A/1
Resolution                 : 1080p/AVC MPEG-4
Duration                    : 2h:00m:13s
Language                  : English (Dolby Digital 5.1), English (DTS-HD 5.1), English (PCM Stereo)
Size                           : 40.1 GB


If you are having trouble playing the file, try watching this video


1. The Birth of Aphrodite (Intro)
2. Aphrodite
3. The One
4. Wow
5. Illusion
6. I Believe in You
7. Cupid Boy
8. Spinning Around
9. Get Outta My Way
10. What Do I Have to Do
11. Everything Is Beautiful
12. Slow
13. Confide in Me (Intro)
14. Confide in Me
15. Can't Get You Out of My Head
16. In My Arms
17. Looking for an Angel
18. Closer
19. There Must Be an Angel (Playing with My Heart)
20. Love at First Sight / Can't Beat the Feeling
21. If You Don't Love Me
22. Better the Devil You Know
23. Better Than Today
24. Put Your Hands Up (If You Feel Love)
25. Million Dollar Mermaid" (Intro)
26. On a Night Like This
27. All the Lovers


  1. Any chance to upload a smaller version? Like all the others in 1080p between 9 and 11gb?
    Thank you by the way. Your blog is fantastic!

    1. Gezz... Sorry man I stopped receiveing notifications from comments for some reason, I didn't saw it until now.

      The thing is the only versions I have right now are those you see here:
      32GB - 2:00h 5.1 Audio
      15GB - 1:30h 5.1 Audio (TV Cut)
      4.4GB - 2:00h 2.0 Audio (
      2.1GB - 2:00h 2.0 Audio (YouTube)

      The closest one for you seems to be the stream from the link, if you want to download the video from then, this site worked for me:
      Just go there and paste the video URL ( ) they will give you several quality options, choose MP4 FULL.

      Now if you don't mind waiting, I can try to convert the larger files I have here into a 10GB file as you asked, but it will take some time, so if you don't mind waiting (even more :P) let me know.

  2. Oi, vc sabe a diferença entre essas duas versões? Pensei que uma fosse a versão que passou na TV e outra é o Bluray mas as duas parecem ser do bluray. Tem umas cenas diferentes.
    Pra comparar:

    Versão 1:
    4:13 Gosto mais dessa versão pois as cenas são mais dinâmicas.

    Versão 2:
    4:13 (ângulo diferente) Não gosto muito dessa versão pq a câmera é mais parada e o vídeo está tipo com vinheta (aquele efeito que no meio fica claro e as bordas ficam mais escuras).

    1. Pois então é exatamente isso, na verdade você está é certo. A versão pra TV, acho que pra manter a audiência empolgada, tem cortes muito diferentes do BluRay, e como você disse a câmera é bem mais dinâmica.

      Se você reparar no primeiro link de video do post ("Google Drive Personal Link") você vê no minuto 1:00:32 começa Can't Get You Outta My Head, não tem o efeito vinheta do vídeo que você mostrou, mas os cortes são iguais.

      E se você baixar o link do "TV Cut" (não dá pra dar play direto porque o Google decidiu que ia fazer birra) é o mesmo do seu primeiro vídeo, onde eu particularmente também acho os cortes mais legais. O único problema realmente é que a versão pra TV cortou 30min de musicas, como I Believe in You e What Do I Have to Do o que pra mim é um abuso.

      Na verdade eu já até pensei em fazer um recorte da versão pra TV com os cortes legais incluindo as musicas faltando e chamar de versão final hahaha

    2. Ahhh entendi, obrigado!

      Você tem planos de upar a discografia? Em flac ou 320kbps. Meio difícil de achar xD

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Lucas, essa é a versão 3D do show?

    1. Sim, tenho as duas versões. Como eu fui adicionando várias coisas com o tempo acabou que ficou meio confuso realmente, então eu mudei algumas coisas pra deixar o post mais claro :)

    2. To tentando baixar há dois dias e nem começa o downlpad dá erro 😔

    3. Mas qual o erro? Como o arquivo está no Google Drive, acho difícil que o problema seja no lado deles

  4. Hi, Lucas! Thanks a lot for your work! One question. Is there any possibility to find the Stage visuals for Aphrodite: Les Folies Tour (The Birth of Aphrodite (Intro)/Aphrodite/The One, Wow, Cupid Boy, Spinning around/Get outta My Way, Confide in Me (Intro), Can't Get You out of My Head, In My Arms, There Must Be an Angel (Playing with My Heart))?

  5. O torrent de 40gb tem os extras além do show?

    1. Não, os extras estão apenas no BluRay 2D. Aqui está a pasta dele no meu Drive, que também pesa 40GB.

  6. como eu faço pra assistir em 3d? da pra assistir com óculos 3d Anáglifo?

  7. torrent not work, seed please

    1. I'm seeding it right now. But if you have any problems you can still download it from the Google Drive link

    2. thanks, i got it :) ı love this show but it doesn't look 3d in bluray. there was only 2d in blu ray disc :(

  8. Hey man, do you why there is two different editions of the show? I think I like the Youtube edition better, but the BluRay has nice close-ups which the other versions lacks though

  9. Estimado bajé la versión 3d desde el enlace 3D y bajó un archivo de 32Gb en 2D, de excelente calidad y sonido pero 2D... Saludos desde Argentina!

  10. Hello friend, im trying to download the 2D version but the file says that it isn't available. Is it just me? is the file still working? Thank you so much.

  11. puta q pariu, n consigo baixar pq a cota tá excedida. aff q ódio, parem de baixar meu deus, eu quero baixar tbm caralho


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