Hello everyone, I'm having some trouble with making some videos available for download from My Drive account, due to too much activity (guess a lot of people have been looking for Kylie content these days 🙂). But since we're beginning a new Kylie era I have to at least get this one up as soon as possible, which is why this post is probably getting updated later when better sources for the video become available. Enjoy! 💃✨ Download 1080P [1.57GB] : [ OneDrive ] - [ Google Drive ] - [ Ok.ru ] - [ Vidoza ] Download 4K Upscale Reduced Size ( thanks to Klue! ) [4.09GB] : [ iCloud ] [ MEGA ] Download 4K Upscale [24.5GB] : [ MEGA ] - [ Google Drive ] - [ Ok.ru ] - [ Torrent ] Update: Thanks to everyone for sharing the best links you've found with me. ❤️ 4K Upscale by João Queiroz from Kylie Downloads Facebook Group. Go say thanks! Alternative Players
This blog's intent is to provide a way to share Kylie's music with those who unfortunately can't. If you like Kylie and her work, please consider buying.